CNN’s Don Lemon Claims Black on Black Violence Has Nothing to do With Black Lives Matter

Gets owned by Terry Crews.

By Paul Joseph Watson – 7/7/2020

Actor Terry Crews clashed with CNN’s Don Lemon last night during an exchange in which Lemon ludicrously asserted that black on black violence should have nothing to do with the Black Lives Matter movement.

Crews was targeted by the woke mob after he tweeted on July 4 the supposedly controversial opinion that not all white people were bad and not all black people were good.


Before his interview on CNN last night, Crews also tweeted, “#ALLBLACKLIVESMATTER 9 black CHILDREN killed by violence in Chicago since June 20, 2020.”


Crews began by saying that there were “some very militant type forces in Black Lives Matter” and issuing a warning to not allow the movement to get hijacked by extremists.

Given that the ideological inspiration behind Black Lives Matter is literally a cop-killing terrorist fugitive who is on the FBI’s Top Ten Most Wanted Terrorist list, one could argue that the movement has its origins in extremism.

“When you have the leaders of the black lives movement who are now talking about…if we don’t get our demands we’re gonna burn it down, other black people who are talking about working with other whites and other races, they’re being viewed as sellouts or called Uncle Toms, you start to understand that you are now being controlled,” said Crews, adding that BLM embodied a “dangerous self-righteousness that viewed themselves as better, it was almost a supremist move, their black lives mattered a lot more than mine.”

When Crews clarified that he was talking about the leadership of BLM, Lemon asserted that Martin Luther King was once seen as extremist, leading Crews to argue that there had to be a non-racial component to BLM for it to work.

Crews then pointed to the industrial levels of black on black violence in Chicago, which in recent weeks has claimed the lives of nine black children, noting that “the Black Lives Matter movement has said nothing” about the violence.

“What does that have to do with equality though?,” responded Lemon, seriously making the argument that black people dying in massive numbers at the hands of other blacks had nothing to do with black lives mattering and was “apples and oranges,” while trying to shift the blame to “gun culture” across the entire country.

Presumably, Lemon thinks that there is no “equality” in America, yet he was unable to point out any rights that white people have that black people don’t (because they both have the exact same rights under the law).

“Black people need to hold other black people accountable, this is black America’s version of the #MeToo movement,” said Crews. “If anything’s gonna change, we ourselves, we need to look at our own communities and look at each other and say this thing cannot go down. There are a lot of great people there who are held hostage by people who literally are running these neighborhoods with violence and then claiming that black lives matter.”

Lemon then absurdly tried to argue that talking about black on black violence would be like a “cancer matters” movement being asked why they don’t talk about HIV and that BLM is solely about police brutality, another misnomer given that the full scope of BLM is about defunding the police, overthrowing capitalism and imposing communist ideals (goals that BLM front groups routinely advocate).

“When you look at the organization, police brutality is not the only thing they’re talking about,” responded Crews, prompting Lemon to agree but then contradict himself by repeating the false claim that BLM was solely about police brutality and criminal justice.

The interview ended with Crews insisting that there was more to the BLM agenda than police brutality and that it needed to be scrutinized.

Black on black violence isn’t part of the Black Lives Matter narrative because Black Lives Matter isn’t a civil rights movement, it’s a political movement and black on black violence can’t be exploited for political grist.

It’s that simple. And Don Lemon knows it.

DISGUSTING: Black Man Stops Car then Sucker Punches 12-Year-Old Boy Street Dancer in Missouri Giving Him Concussion (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft – 7/6/2020

This heinous act took place on Friday night.

Two boys were street dancing in Cape Girardeau with their instructor Michael ‘Crank’ Curry.

That’s when a car pulled over, a man jumped out and he sucker punched the 12-year-old child.

Then he jumped back in his car and sped off.

TRENDING: DISGUSTING: Black Man Stops Car then Sucker Punches 12-Year-Old Boy Street Dancer in Missouri Giving Him Concussion (VIDEO)

TMZ has more.

The video is from Michael ‘Crank’ Curry.


Or will she be “suicided”?

By Paul Joseph Watson – 7/2/2020

Elite Pedophile Network to be Exposed After Arrest of Maxwell?

The FBI has arrested Ghislaine Maxwell, the woman who helped Jeffrey Epstein procure young girls and minors as part of a sexual blackmail operation involving members of the global elite that could now be blown wide open.

“She was arrested in Bedford, New Hampshire around 8:30 a.m. on charges she conspired with Epstein to sexually abuse minors, and is expected to appear in a federal court later today,” reports NBC News.

Now it remains to be seen whether Maxwell will suffer the same fate as Jeffrey Epstein, who conveniently “committed suicide” before he could talk.

Both Maxwell and Epstein were reportedly intelligence assets, which protected both of them from arrest for a number of years before Epstein’s death.

Maxwell is the only surviving person to know the full extent of Epstein’s blackmail operation and which members of the global elite were intimately involved.

Let’s hope that cameras don’t mysteriously fail and guards don’t go AWOL, allowing Maxwell to “commit suicide,” something which will likely see the full extent of the case buried for good.

Questions will also be asked as to what role if any the Trump administration had in pushing for Maxwell’s arrest given that Trump has made it a cornerstone of his agenda to go after global sex trafficking rings.

Numerous global pedophile busts over the last three decades have had deep ties to the political classes and the establishment.

German authorities also recently announced that they were investigating a pedophile ring with a whopping 30,000 potential suspects.


HOUSTON POLICE VIDEO: Help cops catch the guy who assaulted & robbed mom while unloading groceries


Why should we, after seeing such online, have sympathy for the kind of people who would do such a thing to a defenseless woman bringing in her groceries. People can shout all they want, but this just makes sane people more determined to be unsympathetic. Wake up people — take a look at yourselves. Those of you who yell the most should take it on themselves to find a way to stop such actions. You don’t want hate, then stop your people from being hateful.

Harvard Grad Who Threatened to Stab Anyone Who Says “All Lives Matter” is Fired…Blames Trump Supporters


The not-so-smart Harvard grad Claira Janover is now blaming Trump supporters for being fired from a job she says she “worked really hard for”

Janover had posted a video to Tik Toc, where she threatened to stab anyone who said: “all lives matter” (see below).

The video was posted on Twitter by Ann Coulter and then went viral.

In the video below, a crying Janover blames Trump supporters for being fired instead of blaming herself for putting out a threatening video:

Harvard’s Claire Janover graduated in May with a degree in psychology and government, but you’d never know it.

She put out a threatening video on Tik Tok saying she would stab anyone who said “all lives matter,” and now she’s surprised by the negative reaction. She has since taken the video down because she’s getting death threats.

She has posted updates to the “insane” reaction to the viral video in which she threatens:

“I’ma stab you, and while you’re struggling and bleeding out, I’ma show you my paper cut and say, ‘My cut matters too.’”

Some of the responses to the video are from people who are concerned about the threat from Janover:

“This woman is threatening people, who knows what she is capable of.”

“Does this not count as violent speech? I guess it only counts when it fits the narrative.”

The New York Post reports that Janover commented about the responses she had received on social media where she even blamed Trump fans for the backlash:

Janover said she blames Trump fans for their inability to “understand analogies”:

“I will not be silenced, shamed, or threatened into silence by bigoted trump fans who don’t understand analogies.”

The Harvard-educated woman is shocked at the response to her threatening video:

“And people are like reporting me for domestic terrorism, tagging the FBI, Harvard, Cambridge police.”

“Apparently, I’m threatening the lives of people…unlike cops.”

Anyway, so If I get an email from the Department of Homeland Security or I get kicked out of Harvard or I get arrested or whatever — or I get murdered, according to the many death threats that I’m receiving right now…know that I appreciate you guys standing up for me.”

It’s hard to believe this person graduated from Harvard and that she doesn’t realize her actions were seriously threatening.


Jonathan Turley: Maxwell Arrest is “Bad News” For Prince Andrew

Lawyer surprised Epstein co-conspirator left relative safety of Paris.

by Paul Joseph Watson – 7/2/2020

Criminal defense lawyer Jonathan Turley expressed surprise that Epstein confidante Ghislaine Maxwell left the relative safety of Paris to return to America, while noting that her arrest was “bad news” for Prince Andrew.

Maxwell was arrested by the FBI in New Hampshire and immediately charged by federal prosecutors, leaving open the possibility that damning new details about Epstein’s global sex trafficking pedophile network could be exposed.

According to Turley, it’s a surprise that Maxwell decided to leave Paris and travel to the U.S. given that extradition laws in France would have largely protected her from prosecution.

“Frankly, as a criminal defense lawyer, I am surprised that Maxwell risked returning to the United States,” writes Turley. “She was believed to be living in Paris. It was well-known that the Justice Department was pursuing the case, including demands to interview Prince Andrew.”

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Prince Andrew was pictured with both Maxwell at her London home and a 17-year-old Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who alleges she was sexually abused by the Royal and other members of Epstein’s network. Prince Andrew has denied ever meeting Roberts and suggested during an interview with the BBC that the photograph could be fake.

Turley says Maxwell’s arrest is “bad news” for Prince Andrew because Maxwell’s testimony would bolster Roberts’ allegations against the Royal. That is of course if Maxwell doesn’t suddenly “commit suicide” like Epstein.

“Her arrest may be unnerving for figures like Prince Andrew,” writes Turley. “She would be the ultimate cooperating witness if she decided to cooperate on broader criminal inquiries. Giuffre and others have alleged that she was the primary procurer of young girls for Epstein to abuse.”

“Such prosecutions are not easy given the passage of time. However, the government clearly has live witnesses like Giuffre who might have a significant impact on a jury. The government would have to show more than her mere presence at these homes or parties.”

New York Times: Cancel Mount Rushmore! Not Woke Enough: Indigenous Land, KKK Ties, Slave Owner Presidents

By Hannah Bleau – 7/1/2020

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The New York Times has set its sights on Mount Rushmore as protesters demand the removal of historic monuments in the name of racial justice, citing its location on “Indigenous land,” the sculptor’s purported ties to white supremacy, and two of its subjects’ slave ownership.

“Mount Rushmore was built on land that belonged to the Lakota tribe and sculpted by a man who had strong bonds with the Ku Klux Klan. It features the faces of 2 U.S. presidents who were slaveholders,” the New York Times wrote, linking to a news article detailing complaints against American landmark:

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The Times piece lists three broad grievances with Mount Rushmore, beginning with the sculptor, Gutzon Borglum, who was previously involved in “an enormous bas-relief at Stone Mountain in Georgia that memorialized Confederate leaders.”

“It was eventually completed without him, but Mr. Borglum formed strong bonds with leaders of the Ku Klux Klan and participated in their meetings, in part to secure funding for the Stone Mountain project,” the Times wrote, adding that Borglum “also espoused white supremacist and anti-Semitic ideas, according to excerpts from his letters included in ‘Great White Fathers,’ a book by the writer John Taliaferro about the history of Mount Rushmore.”

It is not just the sculptor critics take issue with but the faces featured in the landmark located in South Dakota’s Black Hills. Their grievances even extend to Abraham Lincoln, signer of the Emancipation Proclamation:

Critics of the monument have also taken issue with the men whose faces were etched into the granite. Mr. Borglum chose Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt, he said, because they embodied “the founding, expansion, preservation and unification of the United States.”

But each of these titans of American history has a complicated legacy. Washington and Jefferson were slaveholders. Roosevelt actively sought to Christianize and uproot Native Americans as the United States expanded, Professor Smith said. “He was a racist,” he added.


And although Lincoln was behind the Emancipation Proclamation — a move some have characterized as reluctant and late — he has been criticized for his response to the so-called Minnesota Uprising, in which more than 300 Native Americans were sentenced to death by a military court after being accused of attacking white settlers in 1862.

The Times piece also laments the location of the landmark, writing that it is “built on land that had belonged to the Lakota tribe.” It goes on to quote Nick Tilsen, a member of the Oglala Lakota tribe and leader of the Indigenous activist group NDN Collective, who stated that Mount Rushmore “needs to be closed as a national monument, and the land itself needs to be returned to the Indigenous people.”

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